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Horse Ownership - The True Cost of Owning Your Own Horse

The real cost of owning your own horse is not just time and money - you must plan ahead before you buy or you could be without an equine friend. I had my own horses when I was young but due to family issues, my horse had to be sold when I was about 15. For many, many years I yearned to have another equine friend. After sharing a few horses, the craving for my own became too much to bear. Basically, I was going to have my own, no matter what. Five years ago, after looking in the UK, I finally went to Holland with a respected trainer and found a beautiful horse. The only problem was that I didn't do my List and I was not strictly objective (oh, and I had a 4 month old little girl!) Now, my beautiful 17.3 KWPN Dressage horse is on loan with a view to sale, because I really didn't have the time or the lifestyle to meet his needs and to fulfil my dream. I spent most of my time moving from one livery yard to the next and mucking out in pitch black darkness. I couldn't afford my training due to no job and being Mum to little baby girl. My bank balance is still reeling after forking out a small fortune for my horsy habit! So, I am now horseless again and very sad about it too. Writing this has been a little bit cathartic maybe, although, I just want to grab a horsebox and go and pick him up. Just devising my plan for buying the next one, one day. This time, I will do The List before I go horse hunting! Please read on and if you know of anyone about to buy their own, please ask them to read it too!